Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring flowers

I'm sorry I haven't shared very much lately! This school year has been very busy.

The forsythia was again the first to flower at my house, followed closely by the daffodils. The red tulips and redbuds bloomed at about the same time, and then periwinkle and dogwoods. My lilacs are now blooming, and so is the clematis in the back yard! I think that is a little early! I need to keep records so I can compare. My purple irises are putting up buds, though I've seen a neighbor's blooming for a week now.
We are getting some much needed rain tonight. It seemed like it would never dry out earlier, but now we've gone over two weeks without rain.
I've never had allergies before, but I think I know what it's like. The pollen production was so high this year that I have had a slight cough, along with water eyes and itchy nose. I know it's not the same as true allegy sufferers, but it's annoying!
Heard a hummingbird this week. Need to get those feeders out. The males are here!

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